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Affordable, Balanced Nutrition

Lunch at SJS

Lunch at SJS

Our cafeteria staff takes pride in providing healthy balanced meals and a safe, clean environment for our Cavaliers. An incredibly caring cafeteria staff, some of whom have been a part of the St. Joseph community since their children attended school here, go the extra mile to make sure that lunch is an enjoyable time for all students. If you have any questions, please contact our front office at 859-578-2747.

Cafeteria: List

Lunch Forms & Links

Students Lunch Accounts

For online access to students lunch accounts, please click link below:

Optional Refund of School Lunch Funds

For an optional refund of school lunch funds from the Diocese of Covington, please click the link below:

Free and Reduced Lunch Forms

For an application for free and reduced-priced meals for the USDA’s National School Lunch Program, please see the link below.  Forms should be mailed to the Diocese of Covington Office.

Food Action Allergy Plan

All students with food allergies need to complete the Food Allergy Form (link below).  If students are allergic to multiple foods, please complete separate forms for each.  Please contact the school if there are any changes in the students allergies or reactions to allergens.

2024-2025 Lunch Costs

  • Standard Lunch Fee: $3.20

  • If you child would to purchase extras, this must be ordered in the morning and paid for.  This can be done through the K12 Payment plan or sent in directly to the office via cash or check.

  • If you have more than one child at SJS, separate accounts are needed for each child.  When sending money directly to school, please let us know how you would like the money distributed.

  • Checks should be made out to St. Joseph School - Cafeteria. 

Volunteers Needed & Welcomed

It takes a strong team to feed hundreds of students and faculty every day. We welcome all moms, dads, and grandparents to come in and help serve lunches and keep our cafeteria clean. The students enjoy having you there! If you are interested in signing up, please contact us. If your schedule is flexible, we invite you to consider being a substitute worker.


Lunch is served beginning at 10:40 a.m. Volunteers should plan on arriving by 10:30 a.m. If you are unable to work on your scheduled day, please contact the cafeteria before 8 a.m.


When volunteering in the Cafeteria, wear appropriate shoes such as gym shoes or shoes with rubber soles. No open-toed shoes or flip-flops.

Please note: Every volunteer must be Virtus trained.

Cafeteria: List
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