Tuition & Fees
2023 - 2024 School Year
St. Joseph School is financed, in part, by tuition and fees that each family pays. The remainder of the amount needed to cover the cost of running our school is made up by parish revenues. As such, our in-parish tuition rates are offered to families who regularly attend mass and are involved in parish life at St. Joseph Parish. For updated tuition and fees, payment plan options with FACTS, and financial assistance information, please click below:
Tuition Assignment Policy
Tuition will first be applied to each school family at the Full Tuition Rate. Then each school family who is already registered at St. Joseph Church for over 6 months and who qualifies as an ACTIVE parishioner family per the criteria below will receive the Active Parishioner Discount. This will be reflected as a discount applied in FACTS. The Active Parishioner tuition rate is equivalent to the former In-Parish tuition rate. If the family does not meet the criteria as Active, then the tuition rate will remain at the Full Tuition Rate. IF, however, during the course of the school year, a family has been registered at St. Joseph Church for at least 6 months and meets the criteria for Active status, then their tuition will be prorated down to the Active Parishioner Tuition Rate.
Active Parishioner Criteria
Being an active parishioner, first and foremost, has everything to do with being a disciple of Christ in our parish. In order to encourage the development of discipleship and to qualify for the Active Parishioner Discount, the following criteria must be met:
Worship at the Holy Mass every Sunday according to the Lord's Commandment to "keep holy the Sabbath", and worship on Holy Days of Obligation as mandated by the authority of the Church.
Help provide for the needs of the Church by giving oneself in active charity to our parish, the local community of Christ's disciples. This is accomplished by acts of self-sacrifice that take the form of the gifts of one's time, personal presence, involvement, and talents, as well as financial support of the parish.
Be attentive daily in prayer and in-person to the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ, to our neighbors, to the poor, the vulnerable, the sick, and any in need that circumstances present to us in our daily lives.
Seek daily to know Christ more deeply and personally by learning more about the Teaching of Jesus Christ as taught by the Holy Catholic Church and laboring daily to be obedient to Jesus and His Gospel Truth, who reveals Himself through the Word and Sacrament in the work and life of His Pilgrim Church on earth.
We are so fortunate to have the support of our wonderful school and parish families. Both make it possible to deliver exceptional education at an affordable price.